Contact us
You must be a patient at the North Muskoka NPLC to see a Nurse Practitioner.
Learn how to apply to become a patient of one of our clinics, click how to apply below.

Cancelling an Appointment
Out of courtesy to other patients, please cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance. You can cancel your appointment by phone at (705) 224-NPLC (6752).
Please call (705) 224-NPLC (6752) to make an appointment or to make or change appointments.
Online Booking is Now Available
We are pleased to offer this new service to all NPLC patients who wish to book an appointment with their NP, Nurse or Dietitian.
Please note: We have recently expanded Online booking to include phone and select in-person appointments. We ask that your health concern is limited to that of the appointment type selected. If you require support for other issues, please call our office and we can help you book an appointment type that is appropriate for your concern(s).
Main line/reception 705 224-6752.
To get started, have your health card ready and click the button below.
Same Day Appointments
We have a number of same day appointments available. Please call our office for more information.
- colds, sore throats
- pregnancy tests
- urinary tract infections
- diarrhea
- rashes
- fever
- completion of forms
- medication refills
- management of chronic illness (diabetes, asthma, hypertension)
Patients are advised to call the office to book medical appointments. We suggest that you make your appointment early to avoid running out of medications or missing a deadline for an application/form that requires a medical opinion.Our office fields a high volume of phone calls each day. Please understand that our staff are very busy and are doing their best to help everyone. Phone lines are generally most busy first thing in the morning. It may be easier to reach our office outside of these times.
Changing/Cancelling Your Appointment and No Shows
If you need to change or cancel your appointment, call us at (705) 224-NPLC (6752) to speak to the Receptionist. Please call at least 24 hours ahead to cancel your appointment. This will allow other patients the opportunity to see the health professional of their choice. If you consistently do not show up for appointments, you will receive a letter inviting you to meet with us to discuss your care options.
Medication Renewals
You can contact your pharmacy to request them to fax over a renewal to the North Muskoka Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic. Please allow 1 week (7days) turnaround time to have your prescription renewed.
Due to the insecure nature of e-mail communication, we do not wish to use this website as a means of communication with the public or patients (i) regarding questions or issues of a medical nature; (ii) to establish health care provider/patient relationships; (iii) to book or cancel appointments; or (iv) for inquiries regarding fees, services or similar matters. E-mail communications regarding such matters will not be responded to and will be discarded unread. If you wish to contact us regarding medical questions or issues or with regard to appointments, or other questions please do so by telephone, fax or regular mail in the manner set out in the website. Thank you.
Complaint by Client or Stakeholder
There may be instances when stakeholder or clients wish to make a complaint about some aspect of North Muskoka NPLC’s services, facility or systems. The NPLC values client and stakeholder feedback relative to the services provided and recognizes this input as integral to maintaining our ongoing policy of rigorous self-evaluation and continuous quality improvement.
To submit a complaint, please complete the complaint form provided by the clinic.
Attempts will be made to respond or resolve concerns within 30 days of complaint submission.